Well, today marks day 1 of my new step towards an actual life. For those of you just tuning in, tonight I announced this little number.....

"Megan Smith 3 hours ago
I know I am going to HATE myself after I write this and post it, but I am FINALLY going to try this crazy choice. 

As of October 1st...... I will be deactivating my facebook account. Too much of my life is centered around this "idea." So much time has been taking into creating this online illusion of life. Yes, its true life, but for what purpose? I want something a little more tangible. 

I have always loved blogging but never really done much with it just because of the simplicity of facebook. I basically love having facebook to:

1. show off my kiddos. There gives you a feeling of pride and joy just putting their pretty faces on there for the "world" to see. 

2. Check in on other people and ones around me. I've now come to the conclusion that if I want to know about you... I'll ask. I'll get your number... and call or text. Have a real friendship. (we're all true, real life catfishers and we KNOW it!) 

3. I love documenting. That's primarily what this is for. However, what does this REALLY document? Sure, I could take 30 minutes and go back to when Gwen was born. But how lame is that? By the time my kids are 16 think they'll want to scroll back to '09 or '12? I don't think so. I wont even want to. 

So, I have made up my mind...... I may hate this decision, but I'm giving myself a 6 week vacation from this. Hopefully, (I cant believe I am saying this) I wont return. 

I am truly too addicted to this online lifestyle. I am afraid I will miss the people I dont see on here because we don't have a true relationship, but then i think, why do I want that anyways? Its totally a catch 22. wwwwwwwahhhhhh. Admit it, you're addicted as well to the "thumbs up" that pops up on your status. Who isn't? Its all about being likeable and the digital families. Watching kids grow up, tuning into the drama, rewriting and erasing that status over and over again till its JUST right. Seriously, Admit it. Out loud even. If thats not you.... I hate you. Because that's allllllllll me. I'm also tired of letting things get to me. I see something... it makes me envious, sad, or even mad. No, of course its not all bad, but there is enough bad to make it not worth it.

I know I'll hear the question.... why dont you just cut back? Lets be honest people.... that wont happen. Maybe if I do return I wont really care to see it or be on it as much. We'll see. I think in doing this I will become a better wife, mom, friend! I'll be able to be selfish and write what I think, write what I want, post what I want, and when I want to. Granted, you can do this all on Facebook, but it'll be more for ME. Me and my kids. My husband. My family. Online scrapbooking basically.

I will have the blog for those of you who would like to be filled in and see what is going on in the Smith Family, and I will be more than happy to let you read it.  I'm hoping to be one of the VERY few people I have come across who quit Facebook and dont miss it. yikes. Addiction at its finest right here. 

ei, ei, ei. Here's to hating life in October. #facebookrehabproject"

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I may or may not hate myself. Right after posting it I began thinking that this was going to be a HUGE mistake. Facebook has literally consumed my life. If I knew PeeWee Herman personally, at this point in life he may have asked me to marry it. It's rather pathetic. 

And disturbingly sad. 

While I'm feeling rather good at this moment in time, I've decided to chat about it. This way I can look back on October 2nd when my pathetic withdrawals have kicked in and remember why I have made this choice. hm hm, here goes. 

1. Am I looking to change the world? No, absolutely not.  Just my world. There are too many others out there who will be reading this and feeling strangely pathetic as well, (you know who you are) but will keep on with their daily habitual routine in life of stalking and re-stalking people through the infamous Newsfeed. This... will be my undoing. What do I do when I'm bored? Facebook. What about while eating? Facebook. Red light? Facebook. Potty Break. Facebook. Nursing? Facebook. Anything? You guessed it. Lame.

I am lame. That's my conclusion. I find it gratifying to look at posts that mean nothing to me... all day. Some people I do not even know. I choose to not watch my kids play--- but instead read how good such and such's dinner was that they found on Pinterest. With the time I took to read about Miss-Wanna-Be-Crocker's dinner, I could have been finding a recipe for myself. Maybe even learning how to cook a dinner. Orperhaps again... watching my kids play. 

Do you ever find yourself addicted to a game (candy crush, you're next on the rehab list) and you HATE that you just spent 30 minutes playing it when you had other things to do? Now you find yourself texting people to send you more lives!! Then you get mad realizing that you just spent 45 minutes of your life you'll never get back on a GAME? Not to mention the fact that you would have kept playing if you hadn't of fun out of lives in the first place? ................... that's how I feel about Facebook. I could be on the stupid thing all day. And for what? I'm watching everyone else post about their lives and doing nothing with mine.... other than giving my thumb exercise scrolling through the newsfeed on my phone. Lame. 

When I sat back and looked at the bigger picture, I was embarrassed of how I even got this way about it. Sure, I love to post things about my kids. The funny things that they say, do, how they smile, how they make me pull my hair out.. yadda yadda.  But when I came across Why Generation y Yuppies Are Unhappy and their post on Facebook Image Crafting, it made me think. Facebook makes me undeniably and for the most part.... unhappy. There is not much gain. The gain I do get is from the ones I love to see but for the most part--- not. So, I decided to make a change. 

And here I am. 

October 1st, I'm sure I'll be "ok," but I know that come October 7th.... I'll feel like things just aren't right with the world. I sound so over dramatic, but let's be honest with ourselves people. We're yuppies. We're just looking for someone else's bad day to make us feel better, or rereading the typical bragging person's status about them riding that magical unicorn us yuppies dream of. (if you didnt read the article you wont get that). I'm so done with social media dictating how I feel. I want to raise my family and actually spend TIME with them. Meaningful time. Not wondering what Miss-Crocker that-I-never-talk-to made tonight or how such and such's son used the potty for the first time (I would have like it, though! good job buddy!) BUT I need to start living for me and my family. I'm just completely over it and it's definitely time. 

Goodbye my Facebook Catfished Family. Sniff Sniff. You hopefully won't be hard to quit. It was an entertaining nine years. 



Ashley devoe
9/19/2013 10:11:59 pm

Candy crush ... I quit after a low level. . I get so aggervated by thay game. Couldn't pass level 24 (or have the attention span to. ) deleted that dude ;)


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    Riddle Me See: 
       Writing about nonsense about sensible things  

    Megan Smith 

    Wife, mother, stylist, & creator of Winnie Cole. Welcome to everything us!


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    642 Things
    C. Rock Photography
    The Smith's
    What Was I Thinking?
    Winnie Cole

    “In a sense who you are has always been a story that you told to yourself. Now your self is a story that you tell to others.” 
    ― Geoff Ryman

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